Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Voices Carry - 'Til Tuesday

This song reminds me of my first real boyfriend, Andy. We dated in high school. He was my first love. We dated for about a year and a half. The boy was VERY jealous. I gave up my friends for him. If I left to go out with my mom, I had to call him to let him know or I would get yelled at. He wanted a girl that didn't drink. That didn't cuss. That didn't flirt. That didn't talk back. I was all of those things... for a while. But he broke up with me our senior year in high school. It was tough. I had given up my closest friends, so I really had to make more. But while it was tough, it was such a growing experience that helped sooo much. I learned to do things on my own. I learned to make myself happy. And let's just say, I never again have gone out with anyone like him. When I got to college, I did all those things he hated. Man, it was liberating.

Back to the song...there are certain lyrics out of this song that really describe how our relationship was. WAS being the key word...

He wants me
For only part of the time
He wants me
If he can keep me in line....

I'm so glad I'm not that girl anymore.

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